6 Steps To Forgiveness

Steps To Forgiveness

In both my new published book, Happy Self, I discuss the importance of forgiveness. Most of us know that forgiveness is important to our own personal sense of peace and well being but often we don’t know exactly how to go about it.  Here I lay out a very comprehensive 6 step process that will help you get started.

How To Forgive


Recognize that you are first and foremost in need of forgiveness. This is key because it is rooted in humility and understanding that everyone is capable of grave mistakes.


Make a decision to offer that forgiveness to others.


Depend on God to give you the strength needed to forgive. Trust that God will judge all the wrongs in the world so you don’t have to!


 Reconcile with humility.  Agree to reconnect no matter who is right or who is wrong. Make it your Happy Self policy to not spend more than 24 hours with an unforgiving heart.


 Pray for the person who has hurt you. Do this because you love God more than you hate your offender. 


  Offer Forgiveness.  Accept Forgiveness.  Do this daily.