Be Personally Transformed in 2017

Here are Top 3 Secrets to Positive Change

1) Let Go Of The Past

One of the biggest reasons why people find it difficult to move forward in life is because they haven’t properly dealt with the things that are holding them back.

Are you holding onto past hurts, past anger or fear?

Releasing these anchors could be the final step you need to complete your past and embrace your future.

What is holding YOU back?

2) Embrace Change

In order to achieve personal transformation, you must embrace the fact that change is not only necessary, but it is something to be welcomed.

When you choose to embrace change wholeheartedly as an inevitable part of life, looking for ways to use new changes to make your life richer, easier, and more fulfilling, your life will work much better. You will experience change as an opportunity for growth and new experiences, rather than a potential source of discomfort or fear.

3)Transform Your Inner Critic into an Inner Coach

Research indicates that people talk to themselves about 50,000 times a day – and that 80% of that self-talk is negative.

So if you have a voice inside you that says things like, “I shouldn’t have said that… they don’t like me… I’m never going to be able to pull this off… I’m a fraud… I’m so disorganized… I’ll never be good enough…” you are certainly not alone.

The problem with all this negative self-talk is that we actually BELIEVE it. Such thoughts affect our attitude and our motivation.  Get into the habit of asking yourself: “Is this thought helping me or hurting me? Is it getting me closer to where I want to go, or taking me further away? Is it motivating me to action, or blocking me with fear and self-doubt?”

Remember your thoughts lead to your beliefs, your beliefs lead to your actions, and your actions lead to your destiny.