There are two times a year that people do a BIG RESET. The day after New Year’s Day and the day after Labor Day. People decide it is a good time to get serious about their diets, their budgets and their personal improvement.
So NOW is the time!!!
Here is the best advice on how to re-set your life this fall.
1) Sit ALONE with yourself and a piece of paper. At the top of the paper write this question – “What Do I Really Want?”
then answer that question.
2) There is a great quote that I shared with many of you on my
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It says “If you have time to worry, you have time to pray.” Make a quality decision that every time your mind goes to worry…surrender it to prayer instead and just watch miracles happen.
3) Identify your life as a ministry instead of just what you do. Whether you are a stay at home mom, an executive, or a local business owner – remember that every interaction is an opportunity to contribute to someone else’s well being.
4) START!!!!
Life is short and everyday it is getting shorter. There is no time like today to get started on the life of your dreams.