Setting Healthy Boundaries

Creating healthy boundaries is empowering.  By recognizing the need to set and enforce limits, you protect your self-esteem, maintain self-respect, and enjoy healthy relationship The easiest way to think about a boundary is a property line. We have all seen “No Trespassing” signs, which send a clear message that if you violate that boundary, there will be a consequence. … Continued

An Uber Apology…

Travis Kalanick, founder of Uber, was shown in a newly surfaced video arguing with driver Fawzi Kamel over Uber’s business model and what effect it has had on the driver’s pay. Kamel tells Kalanick in the video that Uber has cost him $97,000 and that he’s now “bankrupt” because of Kalanick – something Kalanick shrugs off, telling … Continued

The Truth About Positive Thinking

As a personal and professional life coach, I spend a lot of time working on people’s thinking.  The truth is that our thinking informs our beliefs, our beliefs inform our actions and our actions inform our destiny. Thinking = Beliefs = Actions = Destiny Did you know that the brain is a connective machine? It … Continued

6 Steps To Forgiveness

Steps To Forgiveness In both my new published book, Happy Self, I discuss the importance of forgiveness. Most of us know that forgiveness is important to our own personal sense of peace and well being but often we don’t know exactly how to go about it.  Here I lay out a very comprehensive 6 step process … Continued

Resume vs Eulogy Virtues

My son is a sophomore at Boston College.  Upon his first year entry, all students and their parents were asked to read David Brooks’ The Road To Character. In his book, Mr. Brooks explains the difference between resume virtues and eulogy virtues.   Resume virtues are the skills we bring to the marketplace.  And the … Continued